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Autumn 2022 Newsletter

In this Autumn issue

Get FEP with it – getting your Farm Environment Plan done with Total Ag.
FEPs need to be completed, and Total Ag can help make it a useful, pain free exercise.

High payout- how much to pay for your dairy supplement this autumn?
Rising payouts are being accompanied with rising input costs- Total Ag can help you evaluate the best return per dollar on supplements.

Staffing up in a labour crisis- looking harder at the staff you have.
Keeping good staff and keeping them motivated in a tough labour market – Total Ag can help. 

The Ukrainian effect- what a war 18,000km away means for NZ farmers.
The shockwaves from the Ukrainian war are starting to be felt here- Total Ag can help optimise your farm’s input costs in an uncertain environment.

Total Ag goes for gold.
Three Total Ag consultants now have Gold accreditation with Farm Focus accounting software.